Tuesday 31 January 2017

Task 3

Project: Our Cookery Book  

Our project will consist of making a cookery book with recipes created by the whole class.
The recipes will be done in pairs or individually and have to be classified as "Traditional food".

They can belong to different categories: starters, soups, salads, desserts, etc.
All the recipes should include the following:
  • Title
  • Historical background / Benefits of the main ingredient
  • It serves ____ people
  • Ingredients
  • Method / Instructions: description of the process.
  • Photo of the final product.
  • Source (where/who  you took the recipe from)
  • Tutorial about the process (a video or presentation).
The STEPS  to be followed to carry out this task are:
  1. Write the recipe as a draft in word / open office document
  2. Use one of the editable templates 
  3. Include the photo with the dish prepared
  4. Send it to your teacher together with the presentation or link to your video. (instilosboliches@gmail.com)
  5. Post the recipe, once checked out, on the blog.
  6. Write a short reflection, on the blog, about you have learnt and if you have liked the experience.
DEADLINE: 7th March

Recipe Sample
Ratatouille video